Who is SLR material designed for and best suitable for?
Supporting Learning material is designed for students needing a little more support and more visual, active and practical tasks.
Material is written in simple, easy to follow language in short, accessible tasks. Students may or may not be supported by staff or peers, and tasks use their every day surroundings.
SL material is designed for students who need at the right level, that means something in a secondary school setting. Check out the SLR catalogue for all workbooklets & packages.

What makes SLR material different?
All our material has been developed from teachers, schools and parents asking us for resources at the right level for the right students. SL resources are easy to use, easy to follow and easy to recognise key skills and knowledge. We write the tasks in age-appropriate language that has plenty of visuals and great layout to ensure the tasks are quick and engaging.
Supporting Learning resources weave in important literacy, numeracy, thinking, social and problem solving skills into each booklet or theme ... and tasks are scaffolded to extend students up into the next range or onto L1 & L2 packages. Each SLR booklet has a learning checklist and feedback at the back that can be used for IEP/ILP's.
Why do SLR resources appeal to so many?
Because they are simple, affordable, flexible and make sense! SLR has a range of workbooklets that can be mixed and matched to support subjects, focus on skills or meet an individual need of a student. These can be used as stand-alone booklets, or build skills together to create themes. SLR also offers a range of L1 and L2 assessment packages to make sure the booklets have a pathway and that students who need support are offered the chance like their peers, in formats that are visual, focused and practical. Booklets are a one-off $45 for the .pdf which can be used over and over again within a school, and L1 & L2 packages also have a free update when versions are reviewed ... a great return on your investment.
What format is SLR material in?
All SLR material is uploaded in PDF so they can printed on any colour or size of paper to suit each student's learning challenges or to use digitally.
It also gives you flexibility in what pages or sections you need to print or you can print affordable class sets and can be used digitally with a PDF writer such as Lumin.
Using a pdf writer ensures SLR quality assurance, format and answer options for students. Under the copyright protection, any reformatting must be approved by SLR as it could alter NZQA quality or poor formatting could reflecting poorly on our education brand.
What levels are the SLR workbooklets?
On the SLR workbooklets page you will see this diagram: -

Each series of workbooklets are scaffolding to include some previous level tasks, and extend up to the next level. Most tasks can also be adapted to ensure most learners can attempt some key skills within it.
Each series has a focus and can also link into mainstream programmes to help support classroom teachers. SLR workbooklets embed important literacy, numeracy, social, thinking, problem solving tasks within the key tasks.
Who can teach the workbooklets and who marks them?
Anyone within your school community who works closely with selected students can help deliver SLR material or supervise the students working through the booklets. There are plenty of fun, flexible tasks to chose from, and not ALL tasks need to be completed.
For marking workbooklets, simply check answers are appropriate for the question and tick off skills on each learning checklists. For L1 & L2 assessments, a TA or teacher may mark the candidate tasks and another teacher is the verifier (this is school dependent). Your own school uploads the credits.
For organisations without verifiers, you may be able to have staff do US4098 to become a marker/verifier.
How do I order a Supporting Learning resource?
Simply email us the title you want or give us a call and we will do the rest within hours! If you have an order number include it, but if not, we still email out the invoice to you for you to pass along to your finance team within the 30 day payment period.
- Workbooklets are uploaded and you are emailed the file links.
- L1 & L2 packages are customised with your logo and organisation name, uploaded and you are emailed the file links.
- Any updates are uploaded and you are emailed a notification to replace your files.
What is the difference between a SLR workbooklet and a SLR assessment package?
An SLR workbooklet is full of learning tasks that focus on a theme or build skills and knowledge. They have visual, active, practical and content specific tasks that are scaffolded around curriculum levels. (check out which workbooklets work at which levels).
An SLR assessment package focuses on learning and assessment tasks at L1 & L2. Each package has a student learning booklet that lead into the assessment material. The packages also include Teacher Guidelines and assessment schedules and SLR certificates to recognise individual achievement.
Do students have to meet all the criteria in workbooklet learning checklists?
It is up to you and your IEP goals for each individual student. The learning checklists identify all the key skills within each workbooklet and can be merged with your programmes. If doing a L1 or L2 assessment material, a student MUST achieve EACH evidence requirement to pass.

Can I use booklets in our curriculum's or ILP's?
Yes. The workbooklets can be delivered within literacy, numeracy, ICT, thinking programmes etc or by subject or as a specific skill identified in themes or ILP/EP's.
Each SLR workbooklet has a student learning checklist in the back to can link skills and knowledge to ILP/IEP's.
* SLR Social Studies and Science workbooklets link directly to Year 9-10 curriculums.

How can we keep track of what units students have completed?
Supporting Learning has created an assessment record sheet in word that you can adapt and use to suit your programmes. Go to the FREEBIE download section on the website to look at options.
How can we acknowledge achievement along the way?
Supporting Learning has created an achievement certificate for your learners that you can use when they complete a workbooklet to gain some recognition, or when they complete and achieve a L1 or L2 packages. These are to recognise learning as it happens and the blank certificates can be filled in and presented when it suits you. Head over to the freebies pages to download both SLR Achievement Certificates.
What do I get with L1 & L2 packages?
For all SLR assessment packages you receive a .pdf prior learning workbooklet filled with active, visual practical tasks to choose from, plus the corresponding .pdf for the candidate assessment, plus the teacher guidelines and assessment schedules.
For all workbooklets, you receive the .pdf which also includes a learning checklist and feedback for students.
How do we plan curriculums and link themes together?
There are many ways of approaching this. You could first think of a key skill or knowledge area as a starting point. Or you may want to focus on a subject (for example, Science) or level (L1 Supported Learning) area.
Once you have a starting point, select SLR learning workbooklets that link with your theme and build outwards linking key themes or key tasks that add depth. You may build it horizontally within a level (and subject areas) or vertically to create pathways.
Contact us if you want ideas ... we have specialists who LOVE building customised programmes to meet school needs.
How do we know what version we are using for L1 or L2 material?
On the top right cover of candidate assessment material and teacher assessment schedules you will see each unit standard number, the version and when the version is being reviewed or expired by NZQA. You can then go to the NZQA website, search for each unit standard under the Qualifications and Standards search and check the latest version NZQA have published.

What's the difference between marking, verifying and moderating L1 & L2 material?
Individual schools/organisations with Consent to Assess each unit standard are responsible for their own marking of student material and must adhere to the SLR Teacher Guidelines and Assessment Schedules and record achievement level/comments in the SLR Assessor Checklist within each blend as well as following their school/organisation and NZQA procedures.
The marker/assessor should be someone familiar with the assessment material and could be a TA, Community or Youth Worker, teacher, parent/guardian, workplace supervisor, social worker etc. This person will sign the boxes in the back two pages.
The verifier is someone other than the assessor who has a registered teacher status or equivalent (e.g.: US 4098 but this is in agreement with a school). This person will check the markers comments, decisions and assessor checklist and will counter-sign the back two pages.
What if we are still using the old NZQA unit standards?
The original suite of NCEA L1 was officially expired and formally replaced with the above suite of Supported Learning unit standards. These cover an important range of literacy, numeracy, social, thinking and problem solving schools to help students have their skills recognised at NCEA L1.
If you had a previous theme that you loved using, just email us and we will help you out.
What is the NZ Certificate in Skills for Living?
The New Zealand Certificate in Skills for Living for Supported Learners (Level 1) is a 60 credit entry level qualification intended for people who require specialised support with their learning. They are people with learning disabilities, including those with an intellectual disability, and who need an adapted qualification.
It is a qualification separate to NCEA L1 and schools/agencies need to apply for Consent to Assess. Refer to NZQA website for more information.
Can I use SLR material outside my school?
No. Resources are for use within your school/organisation only and have been priced so you can afford them and enjoy using them for your specific programmes and IEP's. Please read below carefully.
© All material is copyrighted to SLR Resources and is in accordance with the New Zealand Copyright Act 1994 with the following Terms and Conditions for all electronic SLR material: -
Materialcanbeprintedforusewithinthepurchasingschoolonlyandshouldnotbesharedforusewithotherschools, organisations, services or professionals.
SLRmaterialcannotbealteredwithoutwrittenapprovalfromSupportingLearningResourcesLtd.Thisincludesadapting SLR material to use digitally.
SLR reserve the right to decline purchases due to a conflict of interest